A little spark can go along way. If you landed here though you probably need to find some additional support or upgrade that plug. Just head on over to the following rest stops for assistance:



Your resource for questions and answers to the energy debate, how to view and buy the film and where you can contribute via social media.

Peck Slip Studios

The Editor's Lair

Based between Wall Street and the Brooklyn Bridge, the long edits were conducted just off the South Street Seaport in New York.   FYI: Peck Slip is where #IAMLEGEND, #BOURNEIDENTITY, Scorsese’s #GANGSOFNY, Stieglitz’s Steerage, Hurricane Sandy and LUBIE LOVE called a temporary home.  Studios: www.peckslipstudios.com



Responsible for getting the word out.

Media/Press: www.hsv1.com



We teamed up with GALLERY M for the film’s fine art elements and online sales.  Visit www.gallerym.com