by Mason Hayutin | Feb 27, 2011 | Alternative Fuels, capitalism vs socialism, Electric vs. Foreign Oil, Fuel Efficient Links, Video and Fine Art
As the glitter is polished out by Rodeo drive, the role of documentary films reveals itself yet again. Today’s headline at the New York Times features the potential contaminating effects of Natural Gas exploration. The “right” want to convince the...
by Mason Hayutin | Sep 24, 2009 | Auto Bailout, capitalism vs socialism, Domestic Auto Companies, Film, Video and Fine Art
Film maker, Michael Moore (Goliath) lacks the nimble nature of up and coming film makers like Colorado native Mason Hayutin (David) as evidenced by the two documentary films tackling the role of American Capitalism and the protectionism deemed necessary for the consumer.
by Mason Hayutin | Mar 12, 2009 | Film, Uncategorized, Video and Fine Art
Hey hey good buddies. It is a Break one 9 on the Lubie Love express. This is a great area for you to voice your views in conjunction with our featured Trucker on how the Auto crisis and the means that got us here have impacted you and your community. Of course, do...